No more warm beer.

Holy shit yes.

Chill your beer/coke in 2 minutes.. using scienceeeeeee.

No more waiting for 'em to get cold in the frezzer, 2 minutes and you're good to go. I love clever people.


Anonymous said...

miscbrahs sup loik here

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I tiitb, hey anon you down for a night of fun?

Anonymous said...

coke to a cat?

Anonymous said...

i know, my cat only drinks pepsi

Anonymous said...

I can't stand cats.

Anonymous said...

you're a liar you stole this content without giving credit.

Anonymous said...

Way to go loser, give credit to the real person who came up with this.

Meeee said...

Fuck off you clown, I'm not taking credit for anything.

I found a cool video and posted it. Welcome to the internet.

Anonymous said...

I don't think this cat freak gets credit for anything other than being a cat weirdo. lowering the freezing point of water has been around since the Romans built the first roads, then salted the ice. Wisconsin still uses sand because fords still rust.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what an asshole. No one said you're taking credit. It's being pointed out that, here on the Internet, it's respectful to give credit when hosting someone else's content.

Meeee said...

I didn't get it from the source you moron.

I found the video as is, posted it, that's all.

I had no idea where it was from or who made it, hence not 'giving credit'.

It's not hard to understand surely?

Anonymous said...

The point of making a video like this is to solve a problem. warm beer. who gives a fuck who made the video or if they were given credit. if you care that fucking deeply find out who fucking make it, send whoever runs this page the info and go fuck off.

Anonymous said...

The above guy totally isnt meeeeeeeeee